Monday, October 19, 2009

Derry>Spokane>North Dakota

I miss very few things about Spokane. It is not my favorite place (understatement), but one thing that I actually, legitimately miss about it is the North Spokane Library. I love that library more than anything. I will always, without fail, find good books there 100% of the time. It's like magic! I was determined to get a Derry library card when I got here, but you need proof of address (phone bill, bank statement. You know. Things I don't have) to get one. Believe me, I tried. They wouldn't even take my passport (who doesn't accept a passport? It's a passport! Come on!) So for the time being, I am making do with various books from the super-cheap bookstore(= great), and the non-interesting/depressing books that I checked out on Stephen-My-Flatmates card. I always get some books that don't look like fun but that will make me look smart when I read them in public. Because I always look at what other people are reading, and I don't want someone to look at me and think that I'm a loser because my book has a dumb cover/could possibly be classified as "chick-lit." I should stop doing this, because once I am done with the funny, interesting books (the ones that I don't read in public), I am left with all of the depressing ones, and frankly, that's not what I need right now.

I love libraries. Today I went to the campus library and did research for two hours. Wow. That is quite impressive, considering that I haven't done any sort of homework at all since May. True story. I don't even feel like I'm in school anymore. Unfortunately, that leaves me with all this free time in the evenings, which is when I get lonely and depressed and look at other people's facebook pictures for hours on end, because I don't have any books to read, because all of mine are literary and depressing.

But, hey. If I'm going to sit in my room and be lonely, at least I'm sitting in my room in Northern Ireland. Infinitely better than sitting in my room and being lonely in Spokane. Because almost anything is better than Spokane! Except maybe Wyoming. Or Nebraska. Or North Dakota. Yeah, Spokane is way better than North Dakota. I've never been there, but I can imagine.


  1. Ha ha ha! I love your blog, little Rickle. It makes me laugh with glee. You should read a book called The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. I just finished it and it was good.

  2. North Dakota is definitely one of the worst places in the US. I have been there. Most of my family was born there. There is nothing to do and the landscape is terribly bleak and ugly. Oooh I am reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian... I am positive you recommended it to me...and it is FANTASTIC.

  3. Sarah just recommended "East of Eden" by Steinbeck. She says it's wonderful. Also, I wish I could put in a comment how much I identify with your traveling experience. More so than my friend Julie in Spain who does lots of things with lots of friends and is super busy. Weird, huh? I hope we get to go to Shari's together with Jessica when you return.
