Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Adventure

Last night I learned that there is a movie called, "Plant a Watermelon on My Grave and Let the Juice Flow Through," and that it is possible to mime to words "Encyclopedia Britannica." It was an epic evening.

I spent the weekend in Portstewart, because I figured that I needed to go out and do something by myself to gain some confidence. So I booked a hostel for two nights and planned to see the Giant's Causeway, Dunluce Castle, and the Old Bushmills Distillery and then go back to Derry as a savvy and experienced traveller. Well, I saw that Giant's Causeway on Saturday morning. It was raining like the dickens and the wind was so strong that my umbrella turned inside-out four times; I ended up being more of black-and-white flowered windshield than an umbrella. The Causeway was nice and magnicifent. I stayed for ten minutes and then wandered around the gift shop for forty-five. Because it was honestly too wet to do anything else with myself. Oh, and I went to a pub (voted best pub in Northern Ireland 2009-2010! Neat!) and got Irish coffee because it was cheaper than anything. And quite delicious. Not as good as Baileys coffee, my new favorite thing, but still good, and I sat by the pub fire and wrote in my journal until the bus came to take me back to my hostel.

Rick's Causeway Coast Hostel is a wonderful place. It has this great front room with a coal-burning (what bliss!) fireplace, and it is full of comfy, squashy chairs covered in white slip-covers. It is also the abode of a large and placid orange-colored cat called (appropriately) Ginger. This is where I sat for most of the day, reading British Cosmo (I was on vacation, okay?) and eating fruit pastilles. Then some lovely and hilarious Irish and Australian people came in, and we played Charades until 1;30 in the morning. And Neesha (A boy. His name isn't actually spelled like that. It has some crazy-cool Irish spelling) and I were Team Awesome. And Sean, Eric and Kathy were Team Redmond, because that was all of their last names, because they were all related. And that's were I learned about the Watermelon movie, because I had to mime it. And I tried out my Irish phrases on Neesha-not-spelled-like-that and Sean, and they laughed (Apparently I can say "Where are your children?" in Irish. It could be useful, right?).

At 2 a.m. a group of slightly-drunk Swiss and German au pairs came in, and we all sat and laughed at each other for a while, and then we went to bed, where I discovered that it almost impossible to sleep, because the au pairs kept whispering in German and then laughing, and I kept wanting to know what they were talking about (I asked them this morning. They said that they were talking about using nose spray. Really), and because there were several Portugese guys in my room, and one of them was snoring really loudly, but it was fine, because I was having such a good time.

Now I am ready for anything.


  1. this sounds awesome. huzzah for crazy new friends!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha! I love everything in this post. And I'm jealous.

  3. this sounds like the greatest adventure ever!
