Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thoughts on Flying

Observations on my way to Newark:
a. Flying is like being in a state of limbo. You’re not really anywhere at all. It is also a wonderful thing for people who don’t like to make decisions. All that you have to decide is what beverage you would like and whether or not you want to complimentary peanuts: you don’t even get to choose your seat! Awesome!
b. I hate listening to other people cough. It drives me crazy. I realize that coughing is involuntary and not their fault, but nonetheless, it annoys me.
c. Besides getting into a plane crash, the only real worry that I have while flying is whether or not I will have to use the bathroom. Especially in the window seat. Because I know that if I do have to get up, I’m going to force the whole rest of the row get up with me, and then I’m going to have to squeeze past them all, and that’s just kind of awkward. Fortunately on this flight, my rowmates and I seemed to be in sync on this issue. We all would get up at the same time and then stand right next to each other in the lavatory line. It was quite cosy.
d. When (if) I have a small child, I will not take them on a plane. Ever. Or if I, for some crazy reason, have to, I will first give them NyQuill. It’s drinkable! Everyone (including the kid) will be much happier that way.
e. Cumulus clouds resemble pulled-apart cotton balls.
f. The Newark sky-line looks a little bit like an apocalyptic wasteland.


  1. This is going to be the best blog ever. I love it when you dislike things. And how did the NyQuil work for you, sister face?

  2. you're going to DRUG your CHILD?
    no no that's actually a good plan.
    i think i hate it more when people sneeze on airplanes. because you just know that their sneeze-juice has nowhere to go on the plane so you're just stewing in it. guh now i've grossed myself out.
    i'm glad you're safe buddy!

