Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Get Irish Men to Think That You Are Cute- A Guide For American Girls

-Talk to them in your cute American accent-
Yes, it’s true. You have a cute American accent. This is the huge advantage of going abroad. You get automatic cuteness points just by speaking. Let me tell you, it’s great. It doesn’t matter what you say; just say it within earshot of an Irish boy, and they will think that that you are cute. Personally, I like to use the question method. It goes something like this:
Me: (said while smiling apologetically) Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?
Cute Irish Boy: Aye, it’s just around the corner. Are you American?
Me: Yes.
Cute Irish Boy: I’ll take you!
Me: Oh, thank you so much!
Etc., etc. You get the picture.
-Tell them that you speak Irish-
Okay, so this one has a catch. After you say that you speak Irish, they will invariably ask you to say something. And they will think that you are hilarious and cute when you do say something. So you have to know at least a couple of things. But have no fear! I am providing you with some easy to learn and oh-so-handy Irish phrases! Here are some useful ones to know (written phonetically. Because Irish is a crazy language, and it’s looks nothing like it sounds. The spellings are insane):
-Caw-jay more-ah tah-too?= How are you?
- Tah-may go moy.= I am well.
-Aw-will too shingle?= Are you single? (because it’s useful)
-Aw-will too poiw-shtee= Do you have children? (because you never know)
-Ah-fig ah-foisht= Post office (because it’s fun to say)

Really, that’s about it. Or as a last resort, go to a pub and talk loudly within earshot of a cute Irish boy. Then wait for him to ask you if you are American. When he does ask, tell him that you are actually Canadian. And then he’ll feel bad, so he’ll buy you a drink. And who knows what could happen from there?


  1. How do I say, "Attention. I am single," to Irish boys? I like this idea a lot. Or, "Attention. I have no children."

  2. Dear M.K.
    You should publish this. I think it would be very beneficial to anyone traveling abroad or to me if I ever happen to run across Martin McDonagh or any of his actor friends. I wish I was there!
    Love, E.L.
